
The Hidden Meanings Behind Vehicle Exhaust Colors

Is your automobile trying to tell you something? It is if you see a ton of exhaust pouring out of the tailpipe. J&S Auto Repair can help. Usually, a lot of smoke coming out of the tailpipe or tailpipes means there an issue elsewhere in the engine, but even if the problem is located in your vehicle’s exhaust system, we can fix it. Let’s talk about the color of exhaust smoke and what each color means so you have a good idea of what is wrong if your vehicle’s exhaust looks as if you’re driving a semi-truck.

The Smoke Is Black

Black exhaust isn’t reserved for big rigs and diesel engines. Your gasoline-powered engine could be producing excess black exhaust because there is fuel burning somewhere in it. As you can imagine, this is not a good sign. In fact, we recommend you pull over and park your automobile in a safe space and then turn it off. You shouldn’t drive your vehicle if it’s burning fuel; the fuel can ignite and cause an engine fire. Call for a tow truck and have your automobile safely transported to a service shop.

The Smoke Is Blue

Blue exhaust isn’t a picnic, either. Vehicles with tons of blue exhaust pouring out of the tailpipes are usually old and have a million (figuratively speaking) miles on them. The reason the exhaust is blue is that the engine is burning oil and motor oil produces bluish smoke. The vehicle must have one heck of an oil leak to produce blue exhaust, so you know this, too, means there’s a serious problem in the engine. You shouldn’t drive your vehicle if it’s spewing blue exhaust, either. You’ll cause more engine damage if you do.

The Smoke Is White

Finally, as with black and blue smoke, pull over to safety and kill the ignition if your vehicle is producing white exhaust. Usually, your car, truck, or SUV will also overheat, and this is because the engine is burning off excess coolant that is likely spewing out of a crack head gasket. Yes, this is as bad as it sounds. Because the coolant is spraying all over the hot engine, you will probably also see white steam coming out from underneath the hood. Don’t try to drive your vehicle in this condition.

Call J&S Auto Repair in Warwick, RI, if you have excess vehicle exhaust. Our shop is located on Roseland Avenue if you’d like to have it towed there. Once it’s delivered, we’ll get to work on it right away. 

Photo by Hirun from Getty Images via Canva Pro

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